•  Xiaopeng Cars Enter the Middle East and Africa Market
  •  Xiaopeng Cars Enter the Middle East and Africa Market

Xiaopeng Cars Enter the Middle East and Africa Market

On February 22, Xiapengs Automobile announced the establishment of a strategic partnership with Ali & Sons, a United Arab Arab Marketing Group.


It is reported that with Xiaopeng Automobile accelerating the layout of the sea 2.0 strategy, more and more overseas dealers have joined the ranks of its partners.Up to now, Xopengs in the Middle East and non-market has been with the United Arab Arab Marketing Group Al & Sons, Egypt’s RAYA Group, Azerbaijan’s SR Group, Jordan’s T Gargour & Fils Group, and Lebanon’s Gargour Asia SAL Group have reached a strategic partnership. Xiaopeng Motor’s multiple models will be listed and delivered in five countries in Central and East Africa from the second quarter.According to the plan, Xiaopeng Automobile will accelerate the pace of overseas market expansion in 2024. After reaching strategic cooperation with the five countries in Central and East Africa, Xopengs Automobile will start selling Xopengs G6 and G9 SUV models in the UK from Q3. At the same time, the P7 and G9 will be delivered in Jordan and Lebanon in Q2 and in Egypt in Q3.


Xiaopeng Motor said that its cooperation with the Middle East and Africa markets marks another important “first step” on the road to globalization. The United Arab Emirates, Azerbaijan and Egypt are the first new markets for Xiaopeng Motors to enter the Gulf region, Central Asia and Africa, respectively. It will also expand to other European markets this year, including Germany, the UK, Italy and France.In 2024, Xiaopeng Motor will launch more suitable models for delivery by focusing on Europe and potential Central and East Africa regions to increase sales and market share.

Post time: Feb-27-2024