•  The new BMW X3 – driving pleasure resonates with modern minimalism
  •  The new BMW X3 – driving pleasure resonates with modern minimalism

The new BMW X3 – driving pleasure resonates with modern minimalism

Once the design details of the new BMW X3 long wheelbase version were revealed, it sparked widespread heated discussion. The first thing that bears the brunt is its sense of large size and space: the same wheelbase as the standard-axis BMW X5, the longest and widest body size in its class, and exponentially expanded rear leg and knee room. The innovative design of the new BMW X3 long-wheelbase version is not only larger in size and space, but also interprets the main theme of BMW design language in the new era with strength: human-centric, intelligent reduction, and inspiration. Technology (tech-magic). That is to say, it emphasizes function over form, exquisite minimalist design, and uses technology to inspire design aesthetic inspiration.

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More than 100 years ago, Gustave Otto and his partners jointly founded the Bavarian Aircraft Manufacturing Factory – the predecessor of BMW – on March 7, 1916. Three years later, on March 20, 1919, the Bauhaus school, which influenced the history of world design, was founded in Weimar, Germany. His pioneering design proposition of “Less is More” also laid the design foundation for modernism—simplification is more difficult than additional decoration.

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Since the beginning of the 20th century, German modernist design has influenced the global design industry with its forward-looking aesthetic concepts and simple, functional-first design philosophy. German design emphasizes innovative forms, pursues rational mechanical aesthetics, emphasizes technology, functionality, and quality, and emphasizes systematicity, logic, and a sense of order.

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The German Pavilion in Barcelona is a masterpiece of modernist design. It is a building that is not large in size and took a short time to build. But even now it looks extremely modern. This building adopts the architectural concept of “flowing space”, and the closed space is abandoned, leaving an integrated space full of fluidity and interspersed between the inside and outside. Architectural designers share the same view of “less is more” and believe that the machine is minimalist, without any redundant or excessive decoration, but beautiful because of its intuitiveness. The beauty of modern architecture comes from proportion and volume. It was this concept that opened the door to modernist architecture in mankind.

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The Villa Savoye is a typical example of the mechanization of architecture, and a masterpiece that embodies the beauty of architecture in its structure, volume, and proportions. This building also inspired the design style of later “Monolithic” single buildings. The modern architectural enlightenment of functionalism gives the building a coherent, transparent and concise design, which also nourishes BMW’s century-old design philosophy.

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Today, 100 years later, as one of Germany’s most representative luxury car brands, BMW has incorporated the essence of modern minimalism – “less is more” – into the design of the new BMW X3 long wheelbase version. The key to simplicity is to use fewer elements to create stronger brand recognition. This design principle advocates removing redundancy and returning to the essence, that is, putting function first and simplifying form. This design philosophy has influenced BMW’s design philosophy: vehicle design must not only be beautiful, but also be simple, practical, and highly recognizable.

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“The mission of design is not only to use a simpler and more precise design language to create new classics that are both in line with modern aesthetics and close to user needs, but also to give the brand a sustainable and unique identity, and to adhere to humanities and always focus on The driver’s experience and needs,” said Mr. Hoydonk, Senior Vice President of BMW Group Design.

Adhering to this design concept, the new BMW X3 long wheelbase version is inspired by the “Monolithic” modern architectural design concept. The body design is like cutting from raw stone, with wide and precise profiles from the front, sides to the rear. It creates a complete and coherent structural aesthetic, just like rocks washed by sea water in nature, which is natural.

This design style brings a strong and agile, heavy and elegant visual experience to the vehicle. Coupled with the longest and widest body in its class and the huge volume consistent with the BMW X5 standard wheelbase version, it combines the sense of mechanical power and A perfect blend of technology and modernity. More than just beauty, every detail, every curve, and every edge on the new BMW X3 long-wheelbase version has undergone rigorous aerodynamic wind tunnel testing, highlighting its ultimate pursuit of functionality.

The styling design of the new BMW X3 long-wheelbase version also creates a smooth, natural and layered visual effect through subtle changes in color and light and shadow, making the vehicle more attractive and expressive, just like the “modern” design. The expression technique of “sfumato”. The outline of the car body disappears into something vague, and the delicate curved surface of the car body wraps the entire car body like a layer of gauze, presenting a calm and majestic high-end texture. The body lines are like carefully carved sculptures, clearly outlining important contours and details. The wide wheel arches and low body proportions highlight the unique power of BMW X. This kind of design that harmoniously unifies power and elegance makes the whole vehicle glow with power and dynamic beauty in a soft and calm manner.

Post time: Aug-22-2024