•  News of the latest news of the car industry, “hear” the future of the car industry | Gaeshi FM
  •  News of the latest news of the car industry, “hear” the future of the car industry | Gaeshi FM

News of the latest news of the car industry, “hear” the future of the car industry | Gaeshi FM

In the era of information explosion, information is everywhere and always. We enjoy the convenience brought by massive amounts of information, fast-paced work and life, but also intensifiedInformation overloadThe pressure. As the world’s leading automotive industry information service platform, Gasch has always been at the forefront of the industry, adhering to the concept of innovation, professionalism and efficiency, and constantly exploring new forms and channels of information dissemination to help users quickly obtain cutting-edge new technology knowledge and industry news.The launch of Gaeshi FM is a bolder attempt by Gaeshi Automotive to achieve information dissemination through audio, and it is also a living practice in leading the industry trend and promoting the development of the industry.It not only further expands the Geishi automobile all-media ecological camp, but also realizes the integration and innovation of the service model to empower the automobile industry, better meets the diversified information needs of users, greatly improves the efficiency of obtaining professional information for the industry, and drives the value of the entire industry


From the FM 1.0 radio era, across the Internet listening, mobile listening era, to today’s new era of the Internet of Things, the audio track has always been low-key, and has never even been pushed to the wind in a real sense. But no matter how the times change, network audio still occupies a place in the field of information dissemination. Especially in the current era of electronic products, audio can fully liberate our hands and eyes, providing a more immersive experience, through the cadence of sound, rhythm changes, to convey the emotion and atmosphere that is difficult to express in words.Compared to the network audio industry so far, with a certain scale and sound of the audio platform, the world FM has its own unique.​First, the content level.The FM does not seek to be wide and comprehensive, only do the most suitable programs to listen to, focus on the transmission of information in the automotive vertical field, and forges the audio exclusive content of the automotive industry. Whether it’s new product releases, policy developments or innovative technologies, Gasch FM provides timely and professional coverage.Second, model innovationFragment time is still the core scene of audio, how to efficiently use fragment time to quickly capture the core information in the scenes such as bus, queue, lunch break and so on? The use of advanced big data and AI technology, the entire network of car information to be accurate, Analysis, effectively extract value information, ensure that each audio length is controlled within 20 seconds, and help users quickly obtain the core key to the development of the automotive industry from the complicated information ocean.Finally, when the audio aggregation platform has started to pay for knowledge, into the sales anxiety, Galaxy FM provides users with free and open information content, thinking about how to do a better content, in the user coverage and Volkswagen popularity, to achieve a further breakthrough.Today, FM has already gathered the first group of industry users, and will continue to play its own advantages to enhance the lasting value of audio and promote the change and development of information dissemination in the automotive industry.Welcome to click on the card below to listen to the voice of the automotive industry.

Post time: Feb-19-2024