•  Comprehensive carding, layer by layer disassembly, a key to get intelligent electric motor production chain
  •  Comprehensive carding, layer by layer disassembly, a key to get intelligent electric motor production chain

Comprehensive carding, layer by layer disassembly, a key to get intelligent electric motor production chain

Looking back over the past decade, China’s auto industry has changed from a technological “follower” to a “leader” of the times in terms of new energy resources. More and more Chinese brands have rapidly carried out product innovation and technological empowerment around user pain points and use scenarios, which has also led to the rapid development and boundary expansion of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain. The same frequency speed and innovation power also rapidly promoted the continuous iteration of the smart electric industry chain, and promoted the rapid development of the new energy resources market.Under the giant screen of China’s new automotive supply chain reconstruction, electrification is the prelude, and low-carbon and intelligent have quietly become the focus of the next stage of industrial competition. Companies have to automated driving, intelligent cockpit, electrification, lightweight, low-carbon,Software-Defined Cars And other technical fields, and related products and technological innovation rapidly promoted.


Grand Auto Heavy Launch Intelligent electric vehicle industry chain panorama​​(Hereinafter referred to as “Smart Electric Panorama”), currently includes more than 60,000 related enterprises in the smart electric automobile industry chain. Combed the supplier panorama of the five major fields of automatic driving, electrification, intelligent cockpit, chassis, body interior and exterior decoration (software and intelligent networking field will be launched soon, please stay tuned), disassembled and sorted out the supplier information of its various components layer by layer. Included in the field of electrification​​Power Cell BAG、Electric drive system、Hydrogen fuel cell system、Thermal management system ,Nearly 30,000 related companies in four categories, covering the field of automatic driving​camera、Ultrasonic radar、LiDAR、T-BOX、


Millimeter wave radar、Domain controller​Nearly 9,000Each category is divided into more detailed categories. To provide users with a comprehensive overview of the smart electric automobile industry chain, as well as the relationship between the upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain, so as to better understand the development trend and business opportunities of the smart electric automobile industry.Whether it is an automobile manufacturer, a component supplier or an enterprise in other related industries, it can obtain important information about the automobile supporting industry chain through the Gesellschaft panorama, and provide reference and decision support for its own business development.

Post time: Feb-19-2024