•  Based on comparative advantages to benefit people around the world – a review of the development of new energy vehicles in China(1)
  •  Based on comparative advantages to benefit people around the world – a review of the development of new energy vehicles in China(1)

Based on comparative advantages to benefit people around the world – a review of the development of new energy vehicles in China(1)

Recently, various parties at home and abroad have paid attention to issues related to the production capacity of China's new energy industry. In this regard, we must insist on taking a market perspective and a global perspective, starting from economic laws, and looking at it objectively and dialectically. In the context of economic globalization, the key to judging whether there is excess production capacity in related fields depends on global market demand and future development potential. China's exports of electric vehicles, lithium batteries, photovoltaic products, etc. have not only enriched global supply and alleviated global inflation pressure, but also made great contributions to the global response to climate change and green and low-carbon transformation. Recently, we will continue to push a series of comments through this column to help all parties better understand the development status and trends of the new energy industry.

In 2023, China exported 1.203 million new energy vehicles, an increase of 77.6% over the previous year. The export destination countries cover more than 180 countries in Europe, Asia, Oceania, America, Africa and other regions. Chinese brand new energy vehicles are deeply loved by consumers around the world and rank among the top sales in new energy vehicle markets in many countries. This demonstrates the increasing international competitiveness of China's new energy vehicle industry and fully reflects the comparative advantages of China's industry.

The international competitive advantage of China's new energy automobile industry stems from more than 70 years of hard work and innovative development, and benefits from a complete industrial chain and supply chain system, large market scale advantages and sufficient market competition.

Work hard on your internal skills and gain strength through accumulation. Looking back at the development history of China's automobile industry, the First Automobile Manufacturing Plant started construction in Changchun in 1953. In 1956, China's first domestically produced car rolled off the assembly line at the Changchun First Automobile Manufacturing Plant. In 2009, it became the world's largest automobile producer and seller for the first time. In 2023, automobile production and sales will exceed 30 million units. China's automobile industry has grown from scratch, grown from small to large, and has been moving forward courageously through ups and downs. Especially in the past 10 years or so, China's automobile industry has actively embraced the opportunities of electrification and intelligent transformation, accelerated its transformation to new energy vehicles, and achieved great results in industrial development. Remarkable results. China's new energy vehicle production and sales have ranked first in the world for nine consecutive years. More than half of the world's new energy vehicles are driving in China. The overall electrification technology is at the world's leading level. There are many breakthroughs in new technologies such as new charging, efficient driving, and high-voltage charging. China Leading the world in the application of advanced autonomous driving technology.

Improve the system and optimize the ecology. China has formed a complete new energy vehicle industry system, including not only the parts production and supply network of traditional vehicles, but also the supply system of batteries, electronic controls, electric drive systems, electronic products and software for new energy vehicles, as well as charging and replacement. Supporting systems such as electricity and battery recycling. China's new energy vehicle power battery installations account for more than 60% of the world's total. Six power battery companies including CATL and BYD have entered the top ten in global power battery installations; key materials for power batteries such as positive electrodes, negative electrodes, separators, and electrolytes Global shipments account for more than 70%; electric drive and electronic control companies such as Verdi Power lead the world in market size; a number of software and hardware companies that develop and manufacture high-end chips and intelligent driving systems have grown; China has built a total of more than 9 million charging infrastructure There are more than 14,000 power battery recycling companies in Taiwan, ranking first in the world in terms of scale.

Equal competition, innovation and iteration. China's new energy vehicle market has large scale and growth potential, sufficient market competition, and high consumer acceptance of new technologies, providing a good market environment for the continuous upgrading of new energy vehicle electrification and intelligent technology and the continuous improvement of product competitiveness. In 2023, China's new energy vehicle production and sales will be 9.587 million and 9.495 million units, an increase of 35.8% and 37.9% respectively. The sales penetration rate will reach 31.6%, accounting for more than 60% of global sales; the new energy vehicles produced in my country are in the domestic market About 8.3 million vehicles were sold, accounting for more than 85%. China is the world's largest auto market and the most open auto market in the world. Multinational auto companies and local Chinese auto companies compete on the same stage in the Chinese market, compete fairly and fully, and promote rapid and efficient iterative upgrades of product technology. At the same time, Chinese consumers have high recognition and demand for electrification and intelligent technology. Survey data from the National Information Center shows that 49.5% of new energy vehicle consumers are most concerned about electrification such as cruising range, battery characteristics and charging time when purchasing a car. Performance, 90.7% of new energy vehicle consumers said that intelligent functions such as Internet of Vehicles and smart driving are factors in their car purchase.

Post time: Jun-18-2024